November 24, 2013
The Chelsea boys
and Boots were heading over to 9 Lambert to celebrate Grey Cup Day. On their
way they were planning to have a visit and drop off some big chocolate chip
cookies at Amanda's house. They would see new baby Jack. Alas, after a stop at
Tim Horton's in Manotick, Papa's car would not start. He called CAA.
Then he called Grandpa and Barbara who headed over in their cars.
Soon Papa had the car seats moved to the van and the boys
and Boots left for Grandpa's house for a play. Barbara and Kirk enjoyed the
warmth of Tim Horton's. Finally the
CAA arrived
and Kirk and Barbara drove home to join the family.
We decided to check out the sliding hill on
Rd. with Samuel while Papa was putting David down
for a nap. We combined sliding with football. Boots chewed on some big sticks.
Somewhere his dog tags fell off but no luck finding them. Grant and Sam checked
out the play structure at the apartment building. Sam saw the geese flying
overhead. As the sun set, we headed home.
Now it was time for Sam and Barbara to make a football cake
- same pan used for Kirk's birthdays when he was in high school. Sam and Grant
played with the little train while waiting for the cake to bake.
Meanwhile David got up from his nap and acted like a
Saskatchewan Roughriders player. He loves holding and running with balls!
Maman arrived from work and got big hugs from her boys.
Sam decorated his cake and served it for supper while we
were all watching the game. Yeah Roughriders - a big win!
Sam had another quiet play with the train with Grant. Then
the boys got in their pjs and we said goodbye.