Sunday, November 30, 2014

Christmas and the Grey Cup

November 30, 2014

Maman was working today so the Chelsea boys came over to 9 Lambert with Papa until she came over too after work Highlights were making cinnamon buns and enjoying them for lunch, reading Christmas stories, helping with Christmas decorating, taking "Rudolph" for a walk where he mailed some Christmas dinner money for the Ottawa mission, and playing during the Grey Cup...

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Trains - Trains - Trains

Nov 25, 2014

David had a slight fever and was lethargic, so he decided to spend the day with Grandpa and Grant rather than going to daycare.

He ignored the stuffed birds in the living room for the first time ever, and went straight for Grant's train.  With no Sam to compete with, he had full access to the rolling stock.  He played for hours, barely looking at the other toys.


He finally took a break for some toast and milk, then headed up for a long nap.  He got up just before Papa came for him and headed right for the train for a last play.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Christmas is Coming

November 21, 2014

It was a PD day so the Chelsea boys and Boots came to visit for the day. What did we do?

Play with Grant's train

Bake Christmas gingerbread cookies

Hide in a big box, play the piano and learn about some birds

 Watch the Polar Express (again)

Play in the snow (Samuel only as David had a long nap)

·        check out the videos

Relax with hot chocolate and popcorn

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Sunday Snow

November 16, 2014

Today Barbara and Grandpa dropped in to see the Chelsea boys on their way home from the cottage. Hallowe'en was definitely over and winter was in the air. Soon the sleds were out and Barbara and Sam helped Jim and Ross build a leafy snowman. The boys also tried sucking on icicles and discovered new ways to play in the snow. Fun times.