Sunday, January 21, 2018

Early Birthday for Samuel

January 20, 2018

For his eighth birthday, Sam is planning a birthday celebration at Altitude Gym with his friends next weekend.

On Monday, Grandpa and Barbara would be travelling to Mexico for a birding trip. Papa brought the boys, and Boots, over on Saturday so we could celebrate Sam’s birthday early.  Unfortunately, Maman could not join us as she was working at the General Hospital today.

We had a fun time together… starting with opening/playing with presents, checking out Super Mario with Grant, then enjoying Sam’s favourite foods – lasagna and pogos.  The boys enjoyed finding money hidden in the birthday cake. After more play time we went for some outdoor sliding at the Bruce Pit, then back inside for trying out some magic tricks.

Happy Birthday, Sam!

Friday, January 12, 2018

Celebrating Uncle Grant’s Birthday

January 5, 2018

Today was Uncle Grant’s birthday. We started the morning by taking down our Christmas tree. David really enjoyed sweeping up the needles. Then the boys helped Grandpa create Grant’s pineapple birthday “cake”. We made our own pizzas for lunch and pulled crackers. After lunch the boys enjoyed making a puzzle using Grant’s new puzzle store. We had a fun time together.

Out Trip to Brockville Aquatarium

January 3, 2018

We picked the boys up at Maman’s clinic and set out for Brockville at 9am. Shortly after 10am we arrived at our destination on the Brockville waterfront. The boys were actively engaged until we had to set out for home mid-afternoon. We started with a ride up a “fishy” elevator, rowed racing boats, climbed into and out of a large boat, discovered the power of water and locks (this was a favourite), watched otters being fed, observed turtles, lampreys and fish, participated in a craft to create snowy owls, got blasted in a wind tunnel and powered a big boat. It was a fun discovery day.