Sunday, May 26, 2019

Continuing Changes at Home

Sunday, May 26, 2019

On their way home from the cottage, Grandpa and Barbara stopped in for an update on the Chelsea boys’ kitchen renovations. Papa and David gave us a tour.  Sam was enjoying a new computer game. Papa inspected the damage to Grandpa’s kevlar canoe (hit by a tree at the lake) and then it was time to return to 9 Lambert.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Changes at Home

May 10 and May 12, 2019

On their way to and from the cottage, Grandpa, Barbara and Grant stopped in to see the start of renovations to the Chelsea boys’ kitchen.

On Friday May 10, they saw that Papa and Maman had been busy removing everything from the kitchen… appliances, cupboards, sink…  Misty seemed to like new things to climb on in the living room.

Sunday May 12, was a beautiful spring day. New construction was underway in the kitchen.  The boys helped a bit and then enjoyed playing outside in the sunshine.  They had a fun football toss with Papa, Grant and Grandpa.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Games and Birding

May 3, 2019

The Chelsea boys spent this PD Day at 9 Lambert. In the morning it was too cold and wet to start out on our proposed canoe trip on the Jock River. The boys enjoyed playing board games and David spotted some birds at the feeders and made a bird list. When it stopped raining we visited the park, did some birding and checked out a geocache; then we went back to the house for some more games.  Grandpa worked on the Canadian Geographic kids' animal quiz with Sam. After supper Grandpa, Barbara and Grant drove them home.