Friday, November 19, 2021

November 19 PD Day at 9 Lambert

 Friday, November 19, 2021


Grandpa and Barbara picked the boys up at the Mill at 7:45am. Papa left for work and the boys visited 9 Lambert for the day.  As the photos show we all had a good time playing games and eating gingerbread ice ream bars.  Grandpa was busy with his Christmas baking and then setting up the Electric Circuits experiment kit that Grant had given David for his birthday.  The boys ended their stay with a game of Saboteur Plus.  Lots of fun today!

Sunday, November 7, 2021

A Beautiful Fall Day

 Sunday, November 7, 2021


Today, Grandpa and Barbara went birding near Navan with an OFO group. Coincidentally, a young girl from Chelsea, Sophie Ballantine-Anderson, was birding with her mother, as part of the group. Sophie knew David as she had been in his class at Ecole du Grand-Boisé.  Kirk and Karine wanted to attend a memorial for a friend of Karine’s father, which was also in Navan. So, Grandpa and Barbara returned to 9 Lambert and Kirk and Karine dropped off Samuel and David on their way to the memorial. The boys enjoyed playing video games with Grant and then took Molly for a walk to the park.  They used their scooters and really had fun swinging at the park.  Then everyone got together for a lasagna dinner (Sam’s favourite) and ice cream bars.