Friday, October 25, 2019

A Sick Boy Has Fun

Friday, October 25, 2019

Today David was not feeling well – he had been home sick on Thursday and then had thrown up during the night… so no school on Friday.  Maman drove him to work and Grandpa and Barbara picked him up there.

Space lego and a Super Mario game started his day with Grant.  He said he would be OK with a short trip to pick up a pumpkin so off we went. He wanted “the biggest one”…  Grant helped him pick it out and bought it for him. They washed it as soon we got back to 9 Lambert. Then he helped to carefully remove some dirt from the van lift gate bars. He had a small lunch and a rest watching TV for awhile… then our neighbour fell off a broken ladder while harvesting pears from his tree. We all ran over to help Mr.Craddock.  He had a cracked rib but was able to get inside his house to rest.  David helped pick up the pears.  Mrs. Craddock said he could take a box home. So, when David arrived back home, he had a large pumpkin and some fresh pears to deliver.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Birding at Constance Bay

Monday, October 21, 2019

Today was a beautiful PD Day so the Chelsea boys and the Lambert Dr. Bowmans had an amazing adventure at Constance Bay. First the boys and Grant had fun with some old lego, making lunar rovers, space ships, rockets and cars/trailers.

Grandpa wanted to introduce the boys to shorebirds, so after a discussion of Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs we each made our own picnic lunches and set out for Constance Bay Beach. A Spiderman observation “I Spy” search bingo game entertained us enroute and the boys filled out their observation sheets.

The boys got out their binoculars at the beach and it wasn’t long before they spotted several birds, including many Lesser and Greater Yellowlegs.  They loved watching wave after wave of Canada Geese descend until there were hundreds in a group.  They also spotted a Great Blue Heron.  Grandpa had promised them 25¢ for each new bird type.  They recorded their findings on his voice recorder. They also checked out some “chameleon” footprints.

Then Grandpa led us on a trail through tall reeds, looking for Nelson’s sparrows. No luck but the boys had great fun playing hide and seek in the reeds. Sam spotted another Great Blue Heron barely visible through the reeds.

On the return trip along the beach, David found a large fish carcass, likely a walleye. The boys loved testing their boots out in the muddy shoreline. Goodbye beach and shorebirds.

Now it was time for lunch. We drove to Torbolton Forest/Constance Bay Skateboard Park where we found a picnic table and a playground.  Lots of laughing!

We had one last birding opportunity, hiking some trails in the Torbolton Forest where we did see some woodpeckers at work. Grant spotted a Red-tailed Hawk soaring overhead. David noticed a tree with many woodpecker holes.  The boys enjoyed running along the trails on this beautiful fall day.

 All together the boys had seen 11 bird species.  11 birds @ 25¢ = $2.75 for each boy.  Grandpa had seen an additional 3.

Bird List October 21 2019 Outing – Samuel, David, Grant, Barbara & Bill

1.       Canada Goose
2.       Lesser Yellowlegs
3.       Mallard
4.       Herring Gull
5.       Greater Yellowlegs
6.       Ring-billed Gull
7.       Great Blue Heron
8.       Blue Jay
9.       Pileated Woodpecker
10.   Downy Woodpecker
11.   Red-tailed Hawk
12.   Hermit Thrush (Bill only)
13.   Hairy Woodpecker (Bill only)
14.   European Starling (Bill only)

Once home, we all hiked to the Arlington Woods Church so Grandpa, Barbara and Grant could vote in the federal election.