Monday, July 3, 2017

Canada is 150!

July 1, 2017

Canada Day for Grandpa and Barbara started out very drizzly as they headed downtown after breakfast. They were volunteering for Lost Children's services at Major Hills Park - it was VERY quiet at the park - few adults and no children. Free Tim Hortons coffee for volunteers - Grandpa got the first cup served at 9am after wading through a wet/muddy field.
After a heavy downpour, by mid-morning, the rain let up and the crowd magically appeared. Kirk, Karine and the boys arrived about 11:30 just in time to see the royals procession with their RCMP escort on horseback.
Karine had painted the boys' faces in festive maple leafs. They wore their father and uncles' old Cedar Lake t-shirts - they are red.
The boys were hoping to see the Snow Birds flyover. Unfortunately they were cancelled because of the low cloud cover.
The Via train ride was popular. A very long line up... but they made it.
We walked around, enjoying the entertainment. Overall, the Major Hills Park experience was festive and enjoyable. We then left to hike through the busy Market area.
Good news - Kirk checked the status of the Snow Birds on his phone and learned they had been rescheduled. They saw them by the canal / Conference Centre just before leaving for home.
It was a fun day.

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