Wednesday, January 8, 2014

New Year and la Fête des Rois

Jan 5, 2014

Cousin Mary Janet invited us to our annual New Year`s dinner at her condo. David got a lot of attention as Samuel was sleeping - he fell asleep in the car after a busy day playing with Fenna and Jasper and sliding at Ross's place. So, we enjoyed David's big smiles showing his new teeth.

Sam woke up in time to help Uncle Grant celebrate his birthday. First to pull a cracker and then to have some pineapple `cake`. David enjoyed a strawberry.

Karine had made a traditional cake for la fete des rois - whoever got the piece with a hidden bean was ``king for the day``.

La tradition veut qu’elle soit l’occasion de « tirer les rois » à l’Épiphanie : une fève est cachée dans la galette et la personne qui obtient cette fève devient le roi de la journée et a le droit de porter une couronne de fantaisie.

Barbara was the king (queen)!

After a lively play, it was time for the boys to head home for some rest.

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