Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Easter Monday Paddling the Jock River

April 17, 2017
Maman was working today so Papa brought the Chelsea boys to 9 Lambert to get ready for a canoe trip through the Mirkwood Forest on the Jock River. Barbara gave the boys some light up swords to guide us through the dark "spooky" forest.

We picked up some Subway sandwiches and headed out to Munster Road to put our canoes in the running water. The boys were ready with their guiding lights.

We all enjoyed the river paddle.

In about half an hour we reached the dark forest. We had fun negotiating our canoes around trees trying to find the best way through the maze.

What did we see? Beaver activity, an osprey, swallows and... a VIA train! The train was on the same track the boys had taken to Smiths Falls.

We were tired and cold after our 2 hour paddle. The boys warmed up in their car and enjoyed their subs, drinks and cookies. They stayed in the car with Papa and Grandpa for the shuttle. Soon we were loading the canoes back on the trailer and heading home.

Papa picked up Maman and we were all together for our Easter dinner. The fondue was a fun chocolate hit for the boys. Big smiles!

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